The Hospitality Messenger

Special Edition No.2

The Hospitality Messenger is very conscious of WA’s liquor, hospitality, event and tourism industries being hit hard by the current COVID-19 situation and is committed to providing as much support as possible.

Cease trading at 12 noon today

The Prime Minister announced late on 22 March 2020  that restrictions on social gatherings would be increased to “stage 1”.

Amongst other places, licensed premises across the country will be required to close to the public from midday today, Monday 23 March 2020.

Pubs, bars, nightclubs, entertainment venues, clubs, hotels, taverns, restaurants and cafes  must close their doors.

Take-away/delivery and accommodation services are excepted.  These may continue operating.

This ruling applies to the entirety of venues – both indoor and outdoor areas.

These measures are to be reviewed monthly.  But it has been foreshadowed that they may be in effect for around six months.

The Prime Minister’s formal announcement can be read here.

Delivery reigns supreme

Delivery services are playing a role for both licensees and consumers like never before.  Delivery of food and liquor is now virtually an essential service.  Some of the key obligations for licensees to remember are as follows:

  • Liquor that is delivered, must be from stock that is on the licensed premises or on premises approved for off-site storage.

  • The obligation to supply liquor only to people who are over the age of 18 and who are not drunk, applies equally to liquor that is delivered, so care should be exercised when effecting delivery.

  • Liquor that is delivered, must be delivered within the approved trading hours applicable to the licence.  Liquor store licensees may apply for an extended trading permit to deliver liquor during later hours.  However, that liquor needs to have been sold during the hours permitted under the licence.


The Hospitality Messenger has been informed that the licensing authority has stopped inspections of new and existing licensed premises for the time being

Various financial support measures introduced by the Federal Government should provide some level of assistance to most businesses in the liquor, hospitality, tourism and event industries.  information is available here.


During the current period of ramped-up home delivery it is essential that licensees and staff remain vigilant in not selling or supplying liquor to juveniles or anyone who could be suspected of passing that liquor onto a juvenile.

Licensees and staff are reminded that the acceptable forms of identification are set out in the Liquor Control Regulations, which are as follows and must be current and include a photograph of the person:

  • Australian driver’s licence

  • Passport

  • Proof of age card issued under the Liquor Control Regulations of WA

  • WA photo card

  • Photo card issued under the Photo Card Act 2005 (NSW)

  • Australian learner driver permit

  • Hard copy proof of age card (known as a “Keypass identity card”) issued by Australia Post

  • Card issued under the law of another Australian State or Territory that is equivalent to a proof of age card or a photo card referred to in the WA regulations

Licensees retain the right to refuse service to anyone who does not satisfy them as being over the age of 18.


Disclaimer – the information contained in this publication does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should seek legal advice in relation to any particular matter you may have before relying or acting on this information. The Lavan team are here to assist.