Update: Nambeelup’s new Industrial Area District Structure Plan has been released!

On 5 April 2016 the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) released an update containing news of the release of the final Nambeelup Industrial Area District Structure Plan (The Plan).

This is the culmination of a decade of investigations relating to planning, environmental factors, drainage, infrastructure servicing and public consultations on the 2012 and 2014 drafts.

The industrial area will cover approximately 1,000 hectares of land, located nine kilometres in a north easterly direction from the Mandurah city centre.  Over the next 15 to 30 years major business and industrial development is set to occur.  This will be a multi-step process of which the creation of a major road plans and public transport services to Nambeelup is integral.  

The Plan has been publically released on the WAPC website and is available for public viewing. The general vision of the area and the key planning objectives and implementation mechanisms are covered.  Background information is also included.

Key objectives include developing the area as one of the Peel region’s largest and most diverse employment and economic activity areas.  Planning principles include creating a viable hub for business centres, and creating sizable lots for industrial enterprises with additional provision for smaller scale and light industrial services.  

The “Peel Business Park” establishment is marked as a key development in transforming the area.

The Plan has given due regard to environmental factors with protection of both wetland and vegetation, which whilst important on their own will also assist with the protection of native fauna in the area.

It is anticipated that there will need to be amendments to the Peel Region Scheme and the Shire of Murray Town Planning Scheme No.4, as part of the rezoning and development process.

It is noted that many of the existing land uses will be able to continue to occur and are compatible with the industrial development, at least in the short to medium term.  Some areas will need to be redeveloped though in the long term, such as the existing Nambeelup Kennel Estate.  

If you have any questions relating to the plan in terms of your property or developing and investing in the area, please do not hesitate to contact Craig Wallace.

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