McEvoy, in the matter of Careers Australia Limited (Administrators Appointed) [2017] FCA 598
Last week the Federal Court made orders for electronic notice of the first and second creditors meetings in the administration of the Careers Australia Group Limited (Administrators Appointed).
The administrators applied orders pursuant to section 447A(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act) to modify the manner in which Part 5.3A of the Act operates as to allow:
to be validly given by electronic means including email and SMS.
The Court made the orders sought and provided reasons including the following:
The Court ordered that those students that the administrators did not have an email address for, could be provided with notice by SMS or text message. The Court made the following comments:
"This is even more likely to be attractive to and attract the attention of students with its immediacy, relevancy and brevity. Such students will then have the opportunity to receive more detailed information if they so choose."
Approach in the Supreme Court of Western Australia
The Supreme Court of Western Australia has taken a similar approach. About a year ago, Master Sanderson permitted the administrators of Quickflix Limited to provide notice of the first meeting of creditors and second meeting of creditors to Subscriber Creditors by:
Master Sanderson similarly allowed the section 439A report to be provided to Subscriber Creditors by email and by a link maintained on the administrators’ website and the Australian Stock Exchange platform.
The Act presently allows for electronic provision of notice to creditors where those creditors have nominated an electronic address.2 Creditors had not yet nominated an electronic means of communication and the Court commented at [26]:
"..I would note that it has also been quite unusual (up to this point) for creditors in voluntary administrations to formally request electronic communication of notices and other documents."
The Act will be amended effective later this year including amendments to section 600G, but not to the subsections requiring the recipient to nominate to receive notices via electronic means (subsections 600G(2) and (3)).
Lavan comment
The Court appears to be open to novel modes of providing notice (such as via SMS) if this furthers “the statutory objective(s) of ensuring that creditors are properly informed”.3
In an age of larger creditor groups, administrators are mindful of the costs associated with giving notice to creditors.
Our recent experience suggests that the Court will take a practical approach when considering the potential detriment associated with complying with the written notice requirements under the Act.
The insolvency law reforms due to come into effect in September 2017 do not materially alter the present notice requirements, so we anticipate that applications to Court for directions to modify the notice requirements will remain common place.
[1] McEvoy, in the matter of Careers Australia Limited (Administrators Appointed) [2017] FCA 598 [23] [28].
[2] Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s 600G(1)(a), 600G(1)(b), 600G(1)(c); Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth) r 5.6.11A(2).
[3] McEvoy, in the matter of Careers Australia Limited (Administrators Appointed) [2017] FCA 598 [31].