Obligation to notify when staff changes at licensed premises

If a staff member who is an approved manager resigns from the business or otherwise ceases to act in that position, that person must notify the licensing authority of their departure within 30 days.

If there is no other person approved to act as a manager at the premises then an application must be made to the licensing authority for a replacement person to be approved.  If the licensee appoints a replacement person who has been previously approved by the licensing authority as a manager in the past two years, then thirty days is allowed for the application to be made. However, if the licensee wishes to appoint a new person in the role who has not been otherwise approved by the licensing authority in the preceding two years, then the application for a new approved manager must be made within seven days of the departing manager leaving the position.

Failing to comply with these requirements can potentially attract a penalty of up to $10,000 for the licensee and $2,000 for the manager.

For further information please contact:
Dan Mossenson, Chairman of Partners on 9288 6769 or dan.mossenson@lavanlegal.com.au
Jessica Patterson, Senior Associate on 9288 6946 or jessica.patterson@lavanlegal.com.au

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