Privacy Policy

Lavan's Privacy Policy

About this privacy policy

At Lavan we are committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

This privacy policy explains the types of personal information we collect, how we collect and use this information, who we may disclose it to, how you can access and change your personal information and making a privacy complaint.

Types of personal information

Lavan may collect and hold information about:

The types of personal information that Lavan may collect and hold includes (but is not limited to) the following:

If you do not provide us with some or all of the above information, this may affect our ability to provide you with our services. 

How we collect personal information

We may collect personal information from or about you in a number of circumstances, including when you:

Methods of collecting information

We will generally collect information by way of face-to-face meetings, completed forms, business cards, telephone conversations, video-link meetings, applications, interviews, emails, letters and invitations.

In some circumstances we may collect personal information about you from a third party. Some examples of third party sources include referees, medical professionals and publicly available records.


Cookies are small pieces of information stored on the web browser on your computer.  Any web server (including our web server) may from time to time:

Our website may store cookies on your web browser to improve your use of our website the next time you visit.  Cookies allow a website to track information about use and behavioural patterns on a website.  We may use cookies to measure visitor use of our website but we will not collect or store any personal information about you. 

Most web browsers allow you to either accept or reject a cookie.  You can also review cookies that are stored by your web browser and remove any cookies that you do not want.  In some cases, if you reject a cookie, the website may not perform at its optimum capacity or you may not be able to access certain aspects or content on our website.

How we use your personal information

Lavan will collect and hold personal information that is necessary for us to provide our services, develop and promote our business and comply with our legal, professional and regulatory obligations.

Lavan may use and disclose your personal information for the primary purpose for which it is collected, for reasonably expected secondary purposes which are related to the primary purpose and in any other circumstances authorised by the Privacy Act or otherwise at law.

In general, we will use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

Emails you receive from us

We may use your email address to send you Lavan publications, newsletters, seminars or events.  We may also contact you by email to seek your opinion or comment on our website and our service offerings.  We do not send spam emails.  You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time. You can also contact us if you prefer not to receive this information and we will comply with your request.

Information collected through our website

In order to use our website, we may require you to provide certain information about yourself. We may request your email address and information about you (such as your age) and website user preferences.  This information will be used to create a user identification key for you to enable you to access certain parts of our website and to give you a better quality online experience.

The information you provide to us will be aggregated to establish an average to enable us to understand our audience and how our website is used.  The information we collect may also help us to assist in the detection and prevention of fraud and other malicious activities on our website. 

From time to time, we may rely on the information we receive from you and report it to third parties.  No personal information or confidential information that can identify a user will be disclosed to a third party.

Disclosing your personal information

Lavan may disclose your information to:

Lavan may also collect personal information from these individuals and organisations and will deal with this information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Transfer of information overseas

We may transfer personal information we have collected about you to overseas recipients. These overseas recipients include third party service providers to whom we outsource certain functions.  We will only transfer personal information to overseas recipients in accordance with our obligations under the Privacy Act. 

These overseas recipients will treat any personal information collected in Australia in accordance with Australian privacy laws and any applicable local laws relating to privacy.   In the event that we do transfer personal information to overseas recipients, those recipients are likely to be located in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Sensitive information

Some personal information that we collect is “sensitive information”.  Sensitive information includes information relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, sexual preferences, criminal records and health information about an individual.

Unless you agree otherwise, sensitive information will only be used and disclosed for the purpose for which it was provided, for a directly related secondary purpose or where certain other limited circumstances apply (eg: where required by law).

Information about other people which you provide to us

If you provide personal information to us about someone else (such as one of your directors or employees) you must ensure that:

You must ensure the individual concerned is aware of the various matters detailed in this privacy policy relating to that individual including, our identity, how to contact us, our purposes of collection, our information disclosure practices (including disclosure to overseas recipients), the individual's right to obtain access to the information, how to make complaints about the handling of the information and the consequences if the information is not provided (such as our inability to provide services).

In addition, Lavan may disclose personal information to you about other individuals in the course of providing services to you.  If this occurs, you agree to use, disclose, handle, collect and transfer that information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Managing your personal information

Security and respect for your privacy

We take your privacy seriously.  All personal information is treated as strictly confidential.  The Privacy Act requires Lavan to take reasonable steps to protect the security of all personal information.  Lavan personnel are required to respect the confidentiality of personal information and the privacy of individuals.

Lavan will take reasonable steps to protect personal information we hold from misuse or loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

If we no longer require your personal information for any of the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, we will take reasonable steps to destroy it.

Access to your personal information

In most cases, you can request to see the personal information we hold about you.  We will handle requests for access to your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.  If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please contact us using the details below.  If your request is urgent, please clearly indicate this in your request.  We may ask that you pay our reasonable costs for complying with your request.

Changing your personal information

We attempt to keep all personal information which we hold about you up-to-date and accurate.  You may ask us to correct or remove information which you think is inaccurate.  If you would like to amend any of your details or the information which you have provided us, please contact us using the details below.

We are not responsible for any problems that may arise if you do not give us accurate, truthful or complete information, or if you fail to update such information.

Making a privacy complaint

If you would like to make a complaint about a breach or a potential breach by us of our privacy policy, the Australian Privacy Principles or the Privacy Act, please direct your complaint to our People and Culture Manager using the details below.  We will contact you within 24 hours to acknowledge receipt of your complaint and will then provide a full response to your complaint within 7 days.

Whilst we aim to resolve your complaint expeditiously and to your satisfaction, if you are not satisfied with our response you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner who may investigate your complaint further. 

Changes to our privacy policy

It may be necessary for us to review and amend our privacy policy from time to time.  We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time.  We may notify you about changes to this privacy policy by posting an updated version on our website.

Contact us

If you have any queries about our privacy policy, would like to access or change your personal information or would like to make a complaint concerning the use or handling of your personal information, please contact our People and Culture Manager on:

Address: Lavan, Level 20, 1 William Street, Perth, WA 6000
Telephone +61 8 9288 6000
Facsimile +61 8 9288 6853