The Hospitality Messenger

Northbridge Noise

The Western Australian Planning Commission has called for public comment on planning issues relating to entertainment noise in the “Northbridge area”.

Those who are interested may review the consultation paper that has been prepared and lodge submissions.

The deadline to do so is 5pm Monday 26 November 2018, at either of the following:

Planning for Entertainment Noise
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage
Locked Bag 2506
Perth WA 6001

$2k available for food and beverage businesses

Businesses can register interest in obtaining up to $2,000 from the State Government for the purpose of obtaining professional advice and assistance to help grow and develop their business.

Wineries, breweries and restaurants have already benefitted from the scheme.

Further information about the “Expert for a Day” scheme is available here.

We will be happy to provide, for no charge, an obligation free proposal as to the type of advice and assistance we can potentially offer to businesses in relation to the grant.

New laws

  • ETPs can now be approved for up to ten years, potentially saving licensees the time, effort and expense of having to re-apply as often.
  • Objections are no longer required to be served on applicants. Applicants will have to wait for the licensing authority to confirm any objections.


Licensees should exercise great care when providing incentives for staff. 

There are legislative and policy restrictions and some incentive arrangements can be found to be unlawful, particularly if the arrangement encourages, or even potentially encourages, the sale of more liquor, or liquor to be sold in a manner which might lead to rapid or excessive consumption by consumers.

Did you know?

....the company or person that holds the licence is generally required to be the employer of the staff working at the licensed premises.  This is because the licensee is the only party approved to control, manage and supervise the business conducted under the licence, which includes controlling, supervising and managing staff.  There are some, but rare, exceptions to this rule. 


Blanket ETP approval has been granted for packaged liquor sales on the following dates:

  • 16 December 2018              
  • 23 December 2018             
  • 30 December 2018

Approved liquor store licences situated outside the metropolitan area may trade between 10am and 10pm on those dates.

Approved hotel and liquor store licences situated in the metropolitan area may trade between 8am and 10am on those dates.

A number of licences in restricted areas have been excluded and some licences will be subject to their own special conditions.  All licensees should double check.

New Year trading

Many licences are automatically permitted to trade longer hours on New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day, but licensees should check their particular licence conditions and apply now if later trading is desired.

Be careful to comply with licensing laws this summer season…someone is probably watching!

There are various ways in which licensees can come to the attention of the Director of Liquor Licensing:

  • Through formal pre-arranged inspections by RGL or LEU officers
  • Surprise inspections by those officers
  • Other police officers
  • Local council officers
  • Licensees, patrons, residents, employees


We are regularly asked about licensing of online liquor sales. 

There is no general online licence category. 

However, there is a special facility (online wine sales) licence, which is subject to

several restrictive conditions and online sales may be permitted in certain circumstances under some other types of licences.

Click here to read the Hospitality Messenger PDF

Disclaimer – the information contained in this publication does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should seek legal advice in relation to any particular matter you may have before relying or acting on this information. The Lavan team are here to assist.