Family Law Act 1975

Lavan’s family lawyers in Perth are well versed in the Family Law Act 1975 and the Family Court Act 1997 and regularly appear in the Family Court of Western Australia.
Interested in our Family Law Act 1975 team?
Contact us on
+61 8 9288 6000.
Framy Anne Browne

Family Law Act 1975

The Family Law Act 1975 is the main law governing matters involving divorce, property settlement after a marriage or de facto relationship breakdown, spousal or de facto partner maintenance and issues relating to parenting arrangements after separation.

The Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia exercise their jurisdiction under the Family Law Act.

If you reside in Western Australia or your matter occurs in Western Australia, the main law governing your circumstances will be the Family Court Act 1997 (Western Australia) and the Family Legislation Amendment Act 2006 (Western Australia).

The Court set up under the Family Law Act is the Family Court of Western Australia.

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